Cardinal Distance Between Two Points

The distances how far you have to go to one cardinal direction and eventually to another to reach the second point P2 from the first one P1 is called the Cardinal Distances.

In the following example the Cardinal Distances are labeled N and E:

Cardinal Distance

With phpgeo there are two ways to calculate the Cardinal Distances:

Using the Calculator Instance


use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;
use Location\CardinalDirection\CardinalDirectionDistancesCalculator;

$coordinate1 = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
$coordinate2 = new Coordinate(20.709722, -156.253333); // Haleakala Summit

$calculator = new Vincenty();
$cardinalDirectionDistancesCalculator = new CardinalDirectionDistancesCalculator();

$result = $cardinalDirectionDistancesCalculator->getCardinalDirectionDistances($coordinate1, $coordinate2, $calculator);

echo 'Cardinal Distances: north=' . $result->getNorth()
. ' m; east=' . $result->getEast()
. ' m; south=' . $result->getSouth(
. ' m; west=' . $result->getWest() . ' m.';

The code above will produce the following output:

Cardinal Distances: north=98425.507 m; east=0 m; south=0 m; west=82268.492 m.

Using the getCardinalDirectionDistances() method of a Coordinate instance


use Location\CardinalDirection\CardinalDirection;
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;

$point1 = new Coordinate(52.5072, 13.4248); // Berlin, Germany
$point2 = new Coordinate(52.4284, 13.0276); // Potsdam, Germany

$direction = (new CardinalDirection())->getCardinalDirection($point1, $point2);

$result = $point1->getCardinalDirectionDistances($point2, new Vincenty());

echo 'Cardinal Distances: direction=' . $direction
    . '; north=' . $result->getNorth()
    . ' m; east=' . $result->getEast()
    . ' m; south=' . $result->getSouth()
    . ' m; west=' . $result->getWest() . ' m.';

The code above will produce the following output:

Cardinal Distances: direction=north-east; north=0 m; east=0 m; south=8768.566 m; west=26969.504 m.